Course Overview


DNS reverse Lookup

DNS reverse Lookup

7. DNS reverseLookup

Areverse DNS lookup, is the process of finding the domain nameassociated with a given IP address, this is the opposite of the wayDNS is typically used. It allows you to determine the domain orhostname associated with a specific IP address.

Toperform a reverse lookup, you typically use the PTR (Pointer) recordin the DNS system. The PTR record maps an IP address to a domainname.

Boththe digand hostcommand-line tools can be used to conduct a reverse lookup (reverseDNS lookup) to find the domain name associated with a given IPaddress



Dig-x @

The-x flag is used to specify that the request is a reverse lookup withthe goal of retrieving the domain name associated with the IPaddress.  The command will use the redefined name server or canspecify a nameserver using the @<IP> syntax



The host commandwill automatically make a reverse lookup if provided with an IPaddress instead of a domain

It'simportant to note that reverse lookup results are dependent on thepresence of a PTR (Pointer) record in the DNS system for the IPaddress being queried. In some cases, the reverse lookup may notreturn any results if a PTR record is not configured or available forthat IP address.