There will be times where you need root level access to either run tools to perform certain tasks on the system. To achieve this we need to raise our privileges, we can achieve by using the command "sudo".
· Sudo <toolname>
· Sudo <commandname>
· Sudo su
To recap on the differences in user accounts on Unix/Linux OS's, please read the below:
Root User Account
This is the main user account in Linux system. It is automatically created during the installation. It has the highest privilege in system. It can do any administrative work and can access any service. This account is intended for system administration and should be used only for this purpose. It should not be used for routine activities. It can’t be deleted. But if require, it can be disabled. The root account can be identified by having the UID (User Identifier) of 0.
Standard User Account
This is the normal user account. During the installation, one regular user account is created automatically. After the installation, we can create as many regular user accounts as we need. These accounts have moderate privilege. User accounts are intended for routine work. They can perform only the tasks for which they are allowed and can access only those files and services for which they are authorized. As per requirement, they can be disabled or deleted. Standard user accounts can be identified by having a UID of 1000 or above.
Service User Account
Service accounts are created by installation packages when they are installed. These accounts are used by services to run processes and execute functions. These accounts are neither intended nor should be used for routine work. These accounts have a UID between 1 and 1000.