Hacking into a computer is a breach of which section of the Computer Misuse Act?
Conducting a Denial of Service attack is a breach of which section of the Computer Misuse Act?
What year was the Computer Misuse Act created?
If a UK based hacker attacks a company in Sweden, would they have broken the Computer Misuse Act?
A hacker breaks into a banking system with the intent to transfer money into their account, which section of Computer Misuse Act is most aplicable to this activity?
If a USA based hacker uses a VPN to have a UK IP address and launches a Denial of Service attack against a USA based company, would they have broken the Computer misuse act
Which part of the Computer Misuse Act provides details about Jurisdiction?
In individual conducts an unauthorised scan of a website using a range of automated tools, one of which accidently damages the site's database. Which section of the Computer Misuse Act is most likely to apply?
For section 2 of the computer misuse act to have been broken the following is true
The crime conducted after the unauthorised access does not *have* to use a computer