Which nc flag is used to when port scanning
What flag is used to tell windows to only send 1 ping request
-n 1
When running ping, how many ping request will a linux machine send
an unlimited number
What is the default scan used by masscan
SYN Scan
What is the correct flag to scan the UDP service TFTP
masscan -pU:161
What is the command to output masscan results into an xml format
What is the default number of ports scanned by masscan
There is no default value
What is the best way to identify live hosts if you have no hacking tools
When using the inbuilt ping command to identify live hosts what is most useful
writing a loop to ping a target range
What level of privilege is required to run masscan
On a windows machine, which shell is best to use to create and execute a ping sweep
What flag can be used with netcat to conduct a portscan
What is the importance of the -c flag when running a ping sweep in Linux (eg For i in {1..254}; do ping -c 1 X.X.X.$i)
it only sends 1 ping packet
Which command will run a pingsweep from a windows device
1..254 | % {echo “X192.168.1.$_”; ping -n 1 -w 100 192.168.1.$_} | Select-String TTL