When using a browser to launch an executable, the following is true
Not all browsers can launch executables
Why does the syntax file:///c:/ work when all other protocols only use 2 // characters e.g. http://?
Because the syntax is file://<host>/<path> so for local files when the host is not given there are still 3 / characters
Which of the following commands will not open the c drive
Browsers can be used to trigger executables by…
Changing their homepage to a .exe file
Which of the following commands will not navigate to the C:\ drive
Which of the following will execute cmd.exe
What command can give the hostname of the domain controller
Which shell URI will open a user's Documents folder
To access administrative tools, which shell URI could be used
shell:Common Administrative Tools
It is possible to view the current user's browser history with which command
What technique can be used to bypass user restrictions during a desktop breakout assessment?
Registry modification