What is a batch file?
A text file containing a series of commands
If command prompt is restricted, what is the syntax to attempt to execute a command before restrictions are applied
cmd.exe /k <command>
What is PowerShell?
a command line tool and scripting language
Where is the powershell executable located
C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1. 0\powershell.exe
When using a web browser to open files what URI should be used
Which of the following actions/commands is not typically used to be able to open a dialog box
send email
What is a desktop breakout assessment
An asesssment of endpoint security controls
What is the purpose of providing standard user credentials to a penetration tester conducting a breakout assessment?
To simulate the level of access an unauthorised user or hacker may be able to gain
What is the differenence between a desktop breakout assessment and a privilege escalation assessment?
Breakout assessments focus on bypassing endpoint security whereas privilege escalation assessments focus on elevating privilege levels
When a drive (such as the C: drive) is restricted what is a potential method to access files
Which of these is not a typical goal during the first stages of a breakout assessment
Create a new user